
Ruby stone; a precious gem with a history of 2300 years

The ruby stone is one of the precious stones in the world, which ranks third after diamonds and emeralds. This stone has been used as one of the most widely used stones in making jewelry since several thousand years ago. This stone, in addition to red color, has several different colors, each of which is very beautiful and valuable.


History of ruby stone

Ruby is one of the most beautiful stones that people have respected for many years. The primary origin of this stone is in the Asian continent and parts of the African continent, including the countries of Afghanistan, India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Tanzania, Thailand, Vietnam, Kenya, Madagascar, Mozambique, Iran, and the Grayland region.

The history of using ruby stone as a decorative stone in making jewelry goes back 200 years BC. At that time, the country of Burma was considered the primary and important source of rubies, and the rubies extracted from the mines of this country were traded along the Silk Road. Until 600 AD, Burmese ruby was used as an expensive and valuable ruby, but with the passage of time and the decrease of ruby mines in this country, other mines replaced it.

In the 1990s, in an area in Myanmar called Mong Hsu, samples of rubies were discovered that were not as red as Burmese rubies, but could still be used in jewelry. Until 1800, ruby was not recognized as a corundum and an independent mineral, and many other stones including black ruby, tourmaline, and garnet were also classified as ruby.

Ruby stone in Iran

Iran is one of the countries where the variety of mines producing precious stones such as emerald, diamond, turquoise, agate, and ruby is very large. In Hamadan province, there is one of the largest ruby mines in the world with a capacity of 750 tons, and until today, it has not been possible to extract stone from this mine.

Types of ruby stones

Many people think that the color of the ruby stone is red, but in fact, it is not. The red color in the ruby is created by chromium and titanium, and the higher the concentration of chromium in the ruby, the redder the color and the higher the quality. If instead of chromium, the amount of iron in the ruby is more, the color of the ruby will go towards blue, blue-green or blue-violet, which finally creates the sapphire. Types of rubies are classified based on color and place of extraction, and in this section, we will introduce each of them.


Types of rubies based on mining location

  • Afghan ruby

Afghanistan has one of the oldest ruby mines in the world. Ruby mines in this country are located in two regions of Badakhshan and a region called Jagdalak (a region between Kabul and Jalalabad). The ruby obtained from Jagdalak region is one of the unique red rubies in the world.

  • African ruby

In the African continent, many countries, including Tanzania, Kenya, Madagascar, and Mozambique, have ruby mines. The color of ruby obtained from these mines varies from red and purple to dark red.

  • Ruby

Indians place great value on precious stones such as rubies and diamonds. Indian ruby mines are located in two regions of Orissa and Mysore, and the rubies obtained from them have a very beautiful red color.

Madagascar ruby
Madagascar ruby
  • Madagascar ruby

One of the unique rubies in the world is extracted from the mines of Madagascar, located in the two regions of Andilamena and Vatomandry. The color of these rubies is mostly a combination of red and orange, but pink rubies are also found among them.

  • Burmese ruby

The rubies from Burmese mines are among the most expensive and high-quality ruby stone in the world, whose colors range from brownish red to blood-red. Burmese rubies have the least blemishes among rubies in the world, and their color is very stunning and attractive.

  • rubies of Vietnam and Thailand

The rubies obtained from the mines of these two countries have the same quality as Burmese rubies. The color of Thai rubies is a combination of red and brown due to the presence of iron and chromium in this stone. Vietnamese rubies are very similar to Burmese rubies in terms of color. Ruby mines in this country are located in Yan Bai and Nghe regions.


Types of rubies based on color

  • Sapphire

This ruby is one of the most popular non-red rubies. The color of sapphire is in the blue spectrum and varies from dark blue to violet blue.

  • Red ruby

The most famous type of ruby stone in the world has a red color. The color spectrum of this type of ruby can vary from light red to dark red and red-brown.

  • Pink ruby

This type of ruby is the second most popular non-red ruby after sapphire. The color spectrum of this stone varies from light pink to dark magenta.

  • Yellow ruby

This type of ruby is one of the rarest types of this precious stone, which has a yellow and very bright color due to the presence of iron in its composition.

  • Montana Ruby

This ruby mine is located in the state of Montana in the United States. The color of Montana ruby is a combination of green, blue, and gray-black colors and is used in making jewelry.

  • Orange ruby

The color of this ruby is very beautiful and reminds you of the sun at sunset. The color spectrum of this stone varies from dark gold to dark orange, and it is one of the rarest ruby stones in the world.

  • Green ruby

The green color of this stone reminds you of emerald. This type of ruby is very rare and its color varies from light green to dark green.

  • Purple ruby

The presence of vanadium in the composition of ruby stone creates purple ruby. The color of this stone varies from dark purple to purple. Purple ruby is one of the rarest types of ruby in the world.

The Sunrise ruby
The Sunrise ruby

The most expensive ruby in the world

Ruby is one of the most expensive stones in the world. The Sunrise ruby is the most expensive ruby stone in the world, with a price of 30 million dollars and a weight of 25 carats. This ruby is extracted from the mines of Burma and has a very beautiful red color, which is known as “Pigeon’s Blood” color. This ruby is a very exceptional stone that has no equal in the world in terms of quality. The name of The Sunrise ruby is taken from one of the poems of Rumi (an Iranian poet), which refers to love, affection, and positive thoughts about life and sacrifice.

Applications of ruby

You may think that ruby is only used in jewelry. This thinking is not wrong, but it will not be the whole story either. In addition to jewelry, ruby is used in the manufacture of medical and non-medical lasers, and various medical tools, especially the tools used in ophthalmology. This stone is also known as a mystical stone. Some people believe that the ruby stone has a positive energy that keeps its owner away from negative thoughts and experiences.

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